Total Return Investing


Investment Total Return

At Aspiri, we pride ourselves on complete transparency in how we operate and how your investments are tracking.

Rather than only looking at the value of your portfolio, or only the income it produces, we value the overall performance of your investments using the Total Return method.

A Total Return is a calculation that incorporates both price growth and income production over a number of years.

There are two components of total return: income and capital growth.

Total Return Investing

Total return, which is often referred to as total return investment, is a type of investment that will give you two different types of returns:

  • Appreciation, or increase in value for the assets. 
  • Cash distributions, or payments by the company or investments being invested in. These could be dividends, profit sharing distributions, or interest income, depending on what kind of security you are investing into. The money paid out can and used to fund payments or reinvested back into the investments to help generate greater compounding returns.

For example, if you are invested with a company, such as a bank, that pays most of its profits to investors through the form of dividends, you may get a 5% return from that income. The other component, capital growth, is the fluctuation in the price of your investment.

Book a free initial consultation with our professionals

At Aspiri, we use Total Return investing to give our clients a consistent flow of cash. This is achieved through:

  • More accurate assessment of investments
    Focusing on total return gives a better indication of how overall your investments performed and not just focusing on one particular component of the return. There is also tax implications depending on whether you receive income or capital gains, and potentially a lower rate of tax will be paid depending on the type of return.

  • Opportunity to diversify your options
    Another advantage of total return investing is diversification. Spreading your investment across multiple assets and asset classes reduces your risk in the event one of your investments falls in value. This gives you the ability to mix and match investments that have both strong capital appreciation and yield in order to meet your requirements if you need additional flexibility in your portfolio.

Talk to us about how our Total Return strategy can benefit your investment portfolio

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Owi C Img@2x
At Aspiri, we always put our clients first. As a self-licenced financial service, we choose the most appropriate investments based on your individual needs and goals.You get full transparency in how your investments are managed, and ongoing tracking of your financial position. You’ll have peace of mind knowing we are fee-only advisers, so you know our advice will not be compromised by commissions.New technology is rapidly emerging that disrupts both our consumer habits and how we live our day-to-day lives. We keep up to date with these changes, which puts us ahead of the curve with our investment strategies, and also enhances the way we do business with you:
  • We use modern teleconferencing technology for clients located outside of Brisbane, or who are too busy to meet with us in person, so they can stay updated from the comfort and convenience of their own office or home.
  • Our office is as paperless as possible. We use electronic signature software for most paperwork.
  • We keep you updated with succinct video presentations and webinars, rather than sending you lengthy newsletters or emails that you may never get time to read.
Owi C Img@2x
At Aspiri, we always put our clients first. As a self-licenced financial service, we choose the most appropriate investments based on your individual needs and goals.You get full transparency in how your investments are managed, and ongoing tracking of your financial position. You’ll have peace of mind knowing we are fee-only advisers, so you know our advice will not be compromised by commissions.New technology is rapidly emerging that disrupts both our consumer habits and how we live our day-to-day lives. We keep up to date with these changes, which puts us ahead of the curve with our investment strategies, and also enhances the way we do business with you:
  • We use modern teleconferencing technology for clients located outside of Brisbane, or who are too busy to meet with us in person, so they can stay updated from the comfort and convenience of their own office or home.
  • Our office is as paperless as possible. We use electronic signature software for most paperwork.
  • We keep you updated with succinct video presentations and webinars, rather than sending you lengthy newsletters or emails that you may never get time to read.
Owi C Img@2x
At Aspiri, we always put our clients first. As a self-licenced financial service, we choose the most appropriate investments based on your individual needs and goals.You get full transparency in how your investments are managed, and ongoing tracking of your financial position. You’ll have peace of mind knowing we are fee-only advisers, so you know our advice will not be compromised by commissions.New technology is rapidly emerging that disrupts both our consumer habits and how we live our day-to-day lives. We keep up to date with these changes, which puts us ahead of the curve with our investment strategies, and also enhances the way we do business with you:
  • We use modern teleconferencing technology for clients located outside of Brisbane, or who are too busy to meet with us in person, so they can stay updated from the comfort and convenience of their own office or home.
  • Our office is as paperless as possible. We use electronic signature software for most paperwork.
  • We keep you updated with succinct video presentations and webinars, rather than sending you lengthy newsletters or emails that you may never get time to read.
Owi C Img@2x
At Aspiri, we always put our clients first. As a self-licenced financial service, we choose the most appropriate investments based on your individual needs and goals.You get full transparency in how your investments are managed, and ongoing tracking of your financial position. You’ll have peace of mind knowing we are fee-only advisers, so you know our advice will not be compromised by commissions.New technology is rapidly emerging that disrupts both our consumer habits and how we live our day-to-day lives. We keep up to date with these changes, which puts us ahead of the curve with our investment strategies, and also enhances the way we do business with you:
  • We use modern teleconferencing technology for clients located outside of Brisbane, or who are too busy to meet with us in person, so they can stay updated from the comfort and convenience of their own office or home.
  • Our office is as paperless as possible. We use electronic signature software for most paperwork.
  • We keep you updated with succinct video presentations and webinars, rather than sending you lengthy newsletters or emails that you may never get time to read.
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