Life Insurance Advice


Financial Planner For Life Insurance

What happens to your loved ones if something unexpected happens to you?

While no one likes to think about their own impending death, it’s important to make sure your dependents are financially protected if you are no longer around to provide for them.

Life insurance should replace the loss of your income, so, in the event of your death, your family members can pay off your debts and continue to live the comfortable life you have provided for them. Your family will not be forced to drastically change their lifestyle should a tragic event occur, because they no longer have your income to support their lifestyle.

Life insurance is particularly important if you still have children who are dependent on you. Even if you don’t own any other assets, buying a life insurance policy and naming your spouse and children as beneficiaries can help you establish an inheritance for them.

If you’re with a retail or industry superannuation fund, you’ll automatically have life insurance included. However, this policy will be your fund’s default policy, which may not be what’s best for your individual circumstances.

Default super insurance is generally unitised insurance. For example, you might get 10 units worth of life cover and total and permanent disability cover. This type of policy may start off as $500,000, but it will decrease as you age. When you are 10 years older, the value of your policy may drop down to a significantly lower amount than you originally started with which can be a shock when you go to claim $300,000, depending on the rates determined by the superannuation fund and insurer. So having control over when you reduce your cover is really important, as you may be out of pocket hundreds of thousands of dollars when you make a claim.

Your default super may also not be enough or adequate to replace your income, which may leave your dependents struggling to pay off your mortgage and other debts and maintain their lifestyle.

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At Aspiri, we want your loved ones to continue to live the life you have always desired for you and your family, even if you are not around to enjoy it with them.

When considering the best policy for you, we’ll look at all aspects of your life – your income, assets, investments, dependants, lifestyle and future goals. We’ll determine how much life insurance your family will need to replace your current and future income.

We have access to an unlimited range of insurance providers, so we can find the best insurance company for you, in terms of what your policy covers and the fees you pay. We can offer cover that either stays the same or can go up in value, based on inflation.

We’ll also manage every aspect of your policy, from your pre-assessment paperwork, selecting the best insurer based on terms and conditions and price, through helping you manage your insurance claims.

Talk to us about getting the most appropriate life insurance cover for your individual circumstances

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Owi C Img@2x
At Aspiri, we always put our clients first. As a self-licenced financial service, we choose the most appropriate investments based on your individual needs and goals.You get full transparency in how your investments are managed, and ongoing tracking of your financial position. You’ll have peace of mind knowing we are fee-only advisers, so you know our advice will not be compromised by commissions.New technology is rapidly emerging that disrupts both our consumer habits and how we live our day-to-day lives. We keep up to date with these changes, which puts us ahead of the curve with our investment strategies, and also enhances the way we do business with you:
  • We use modern teleconferencing technology for clients located outside of Brisbane, or who are too busy to meet with us in person, so they can stay updated from the comfort and convenience of their own office or home.
  • Our office is as paperless as possible. We use electronic signature software for most paperwork.
  • We keep you updated with succinct video presentations and webinars, rather than sending you lengthy newsletters or emails that you may never get time to read.
Owi C Img@2x
At Aspiri, we always put our clients first. As a self-licenced financial service, we choose the most appropriate investments based on your individual needs and goals.You get full transparency in how your investments are managed, and ongoing tracking of your financial position. You’ll have peace of mind knowing we are fee-only advisers, so you know our advice will not be compromised by commissions.New technology is rapidly emerging that disrupts both our consumer habits and how we live our day-to-day lives. We keep up to date with these changes, which puts us ahead of the curve with our investment strategies, and also enhances the way we do business with you:
  • We use modern teleconferencing technology for clients located outside of Brisbane, or who are too busy to meet with us in person, so they can stay updated from the comfort and convenience of their own office or home.
  • Our office is as paperless as possible. We use electronic signature software for most paperwork.
  • We keep you updated with succinct video presentations and webinars, rather than sending you lengthy newsletters or emails that you may never get time to read.
Owi C Img@2x
At Aspiri, we always put our clients first. As a self-licenced financial service, we choose the most appropriate investments based on your individual needs and goals.You get full transparency in how your investments are managed, and ongoing tracking of your financial position. You’ll have peace of mind knowing we are fee-only advisers, so you know our advice will not be compromised by commissions.New technology is rapidly emerging that disrupts both our consumer habits and how we live our day-to-day lives. We keep up to date with these changes, which puts us ahead of the curve with our investment strategies, and also enhances the way we do business with you:
  • We use modern teleconferencing technology for clients located outside of Brisbane, or who are too busy to meet with us in person, so they can stay updated from the comfort and convenience of their own office or home.
  • Our office is as paperless as possible. We use electronic signature software for most paperwork.
  • We keep you updated with succinct video presentations and webinars, rather than sending you lengthy newsletters or emails that you may never get time to read.
Owi C Img@2x
At Aspiri, we always put our clients first. As a self-licenced financial service, we choose the most appropriate investments based on your individual needs and goals.You get full transparency in how your investments are managed, and ongoing tracking of your financial position. You’ll have peace of mind knowing we are fee-only advisers, so you know our advice will not be compromised by commissions.New technology is rapidly emerging that disrupts both our consumer habits and how we live our day-to-day lives. We keep up to date with these changes, which puts us ahead of the curve with our investment strategies, and also enhances the way we do business with you:
  • We use modern teleconferencing technology for clients located outside of Brisbane, or who are too busy to meet with us in person, so they can stay updated from the comfort and convenience of their own office or home.
  • Our office is as paperless as possible. We use electronic signature software for most paperwork.
  • We keep you updated with succinct video presentations and webinars, rather than sending you lengthy newsletters or emails that you may never get time to read.
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