In a recent trip overseas, my daughter hit a tree whilst skiing! It not only shocked us as we witnessed the whole accident, but she had to be stretchered down the mountain by ski patrol to a waiting ambulance and whisked off to hospital. After getting CT scans of her head and spine, she miraculously avoided any broken bones, brain or spinal damage. We were incredibly grateful and as only a parent would understand, we had a stiff drink or two afterwards to calm our nerves!
At the same time, we were also left with a $17,500 hospital bill for just 3 hours in the emergency department. I would hate to see what it would have been if she had to have an operation, be in intensive care or an extended stay in hospital.
Anyway, we quickly got to know (fairly intimately) the terms and conditions of our complimentary credit card travel insurance. In this regard, I am pleased to say that we ended up with a successful claim, but there was a lot of key conditions and grey areas within the policy. Accordingly, I have recorded the above video with a couple of key take outs for using complimentary credit card travel insurance. Hope you find it useful!
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